
Change your company/organisation’s practices

1. Change your own practices
2. Help to reduce the environmental impact of your company/organisation

1. Change your own practices

2. Help to reduce the environmental impact of your company/organisation


Action toolbox

Challenge de la Mobilité

This event is organised every year by a regional council or a technology hub. It is a collective challenge run internally by individual companies. The goal is to promote alternative ways to travel and commute: on the day, everyone is asked to leave their personal car at home and walk, bike or use public transport and carpooling to commute to and from work. This turnkey event allows companies to boost, highlight and galvanise their ongoing travel initiatives (such as corporate travel and commute management plans, for example).


The legal framework

National legal framework | ADEME

The goals of the 2015 Energy Transition for Green Growth Bill in terms of waste management are to:

  • reduce household waste by 10% (2020);
  • reduce waste placed in storage facilities by 50% (2025);
  • increase the total tonnage geared towards recycling or organic recovery to 65% (2025);
  • recycle 70% of construction waste (2020).